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State of Homelessness in Orange County 2025

State of Homelessness in Orange County

Over the past month, I’ve been ensuring that I’m up to date with the latest research and progress on helping people who living in poverty in Orange County. I’ve attended events and done a fair share of reading. Here’s some key takeaways of what I learned from dozens of leading voices.

State of Homelessness Address (from United to End Homelessness). Statements from Vincent Sarmiento (2nd District Supervisor), Katrina Foley (OC Board Supervisor), Tim Shaw (Continuum of Care), and more

  • Key Takeaway: As a “housing-first” advocates, their first goal is to simply get someone housed. However, long-term low income housing is short in supply, expensive to build, and slowed by delays among collaborating sectors. It costs more to serve someone unhoused than to pay for their housing.


Giving Guidance to End Homelessness. A panel discussion from the CEOs of Second Harvest, Illumination Foundation, and Families Forward.

  • Key Takeaway: similar to the above, they see the path as providing housing as a basic right, but wait times and delay in development hinder progress.


Americans with No Address Documentary. Film on the faces of homelessness and different approaches to helping across the United States.

  • Key Takeaway: The US Federal Approach to homelessness is not working (so-called harm reduction programs and lack of mental health care). The holistic care programs of Rescue Missions show hopeful results.